Le Pen on Saturday also vied for the general’s heritage, pointing her finger at Europe’s apparent powerlessness amid the waves of chaos coming from…
Her remarks come at a pivotal moment for transatlantic relations.…
As European leaders prepare for a high-stakes summit in London…
Kurzfristig angesetztes Treffen: Dänemarks Ministerpräsidentin Mette Frederiksen im Kanzleramt. Was Scholz in der Migration von…
“The first thing we’ve noticed after Zuckerberg’s statement … was a huge spread of harassment…
Finding more money Last week, the Lithuanian government announced Vilnius will spend between 5 percent…
Décrivant le Pacte vert — un ensemble de mesures visant à rendre l’UE climatiquement neutre d’ici…
PFAS is a broad non-specific term relating to thousands of molecules. Not all PFAS present…
“The risk of avian flu to the general public remains very low despite this confirmed…
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