Author: staff
La taxe sur les rachats d’actions pourrait être retouchée, à en juger par une poignée de propositions de réécriture de l’article. Nombre d’entre elles tentent d’asseoir la taxe sur la valeur actuelle des actions rachetées et non leur valeur nominale, c’est-à-dire comptable, mais aussi de relever son taux de 8% à 10%. Ou, à l’inverse, de l’abaisser à 6%. Financement de l’innovation : où prendre, où enlever ? Adoré des secteurs industriels et pharmaceutique, le crédit d’impôt recherche devrait finalement être légèrement toiletté. Alors que le ministre de l’Economie Antoine Armand avait promis à maintes reprises de ne pas toucher…
TikTok star The judo-loving Georgescu has some 3.8 million likes on TikTok and 298,000 followers, while his videos regularly attract millions of views. During the campaign, accounts with bot-like behavior were highly active in comments on YouTube, Facebook and TikTok. Some also attacked his rivals. On TikTok, clips of Georgescu went viral, often produced with the subversive, populist style of controversial influencer Andrew Tate, accompanied by dramatic music and subtitles. Georgescu was shown barely breaking a sweat on the running track, flipping opponents in judo — à la Putin — and riding a white horse in a traditional Romanian shirt.…
Lasconi said Georgescu, who has campaigned on reducing imports and increasing Romanian domestic food and energy production, wanted to unhitch Romania from the European and international financial mainstream and NATO, leaving the country at Russia’s mercy. Accusing Georgescu of wanting Romania to be isolated like before the 1989 revolution, she summoned up images etched into the Romanian collective memory from the last years of Communism — poverty and cold apartments without heating — to sketch a dark picture of what a Georgescu presidency would bring. Lasconi also referred to her own modest upbringing, talking about her mother’s hard work as…
Pistorius was hosting his counterparts in a new format that U.K. Defence Secretary John Healy dubbed “E5.” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine plus years of badgering by the U.S. is having an impact. France and Germany reached NATO’s spending target of at least 2 percent GDP this year, although Italy still falls short. The U.K. is over that threshold and Poland, at 4.1 percent of GDP, is the biggest spender in NATO. There’s a growing consensus that the 2 percent target has to raised, even more so since Donald Trump was elected. A NATO top commander told POLITICO that 3 percent was…
Sans le retard d’une correspondance, l’engin incendiaire aurait probablement pris feu dans un avion en plein vol au-dessus de l’Union européenne. Au lieu de cela, il s’est embrasé au sol à l’aéroport de Leipzig, en Allemagne, mettant le feu à un conteneur de fret aérien de DHL. Les services de renseignement occidentaux pensent que la tentative, qui a eu lieu en juillet, était un coup d’essai d’agents russes qui prévoyaient de placer des bombes similaires sur des vols à destination des Etats-Unis. “Nous observons depuis un certain temps des actions agressives de la part des services de renseignement russes”, relate…
Ce phishing s’est répandu sur les bancs des parlementaires comme une traînée de poudre. Le député Alexis Corbière (affilié Ecologiste) a reconnu auprès de POLITICO avoir succombé à l’attaque, et a vu son téléphone s’emballer en plein hémicycle. Via son compte Telegram, des dizaines de messages spams ont été envoyés à ses contacts, notamment à sa collègue de groupe Sophie Taillé-Polian. Impossible de savoir, pour l’heure, combien de députés sont tombés dans le piège. Mais l’un d’entre eux a indiqué dès mercredi avoir vu ses collègues “faire la queue au comptoir numérique de l’Assemblée”, le bureau chargé d’aiguiller les élus…
In the line of fire Criticism of EU corporate disclosure regulation is not new. In a leaked policy paper drafted by former German Finance Minister Christian Lindner, the minister said Berlin should seek to abolish the EU regulation on sustainability reporting rules, among others. The suggestion echoed one made by French Prime Minister Michele Barnier in October, arguing that some aspects of the EU’s rules on corporate sustainability reporting be delayed by up to three years. But there’s a long time between the moment EU countries express their discontent with EU law and when Brussels actually does something about it.…
Climate is changing the winters of Europe. But can we expect the same ‘white Christmases’ of our childhood? Last week parts of Europe received the first heavy snow of the season, with severe weather warnings in place for the UK, Ireland, and France. This was then promptly followed by the heavy rain and high winds caused by Storm Bert.But is snowy, stormy weather usual for November? And is this the sign of what to expect this winter across Europe? Euronews Green spoke to weather experts for their professional take.Europe’s recent snow flurry was normal for November, but the “intense snowfall…
“Russia’s oil revenues are fueling the fires of war and destruction in Ukraine,” Lammy said in a statement. “I will work with our G7 partners and beyond to exert relentless pressure on the Kremlin, disrupt the flow of money into its war chest, erode its military machine, and constrain its malign behavior worldwide.” The government said the ships were responsible for transporting billions of pounds worth of oil and oil products in the past year alone, posing “significant risks to global trade.” The action brings the total number of Russian oil tankers sanctioned by the U.K. to 73, compared to…
Italy’s education minister sparked widespread outrage after claiming that the rise in sexual violence in the country is linked to illegal immigration, while delivering a message to a foundation that honours a woman who was killed by her ex-boyfriend. Italy’s education minister has sparked an outcry across the country after he claimed that Italy is seeing a rise in sexual violence due to illegal immigration.Giuseppe Valditara’s comments were particularly controversial because he made them in a video message which was broadcast at the launch of a foundation honouring Giulia Cecchetin, the 22-year-old who was kidnapped and murdered her Italian ex-boyfriend…