Dozens of pet owners gathered outside Saint Anthony Church in central Madrid on Friday to have their animals blessed in honour of St Anthony, the patron saint of animals. Dogs and cats waited patiently as Catholic priests sprinkled them with holy water, a tradition believed to bring health and protection for the year ahead.
Father Angel, the church leader, said it’s common to bless not only animals but also homes, gardens, and roads.
The event also included a festive mass welcoming pets inside the church, with the Municipal Police band providing music. The celebration, part of Madrid’s calendar since the 1980s, is also marked by the sale of special bread rolls for Saint Anthony.
In Spain and former colonies, St. Anthony is honoured as the patron saint of domestic animals, with blessings on his feast day, 17 January. The day is also marked by large bonfires, revelry, and the consumption of pork and sausages.