Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 created a humanitarian crisis and a need for immediate response from the EU. It is estimated that over six million Ukrainian refugees are now spread across the continent, with most concentrated in central Europe. Eurofound’s research presented data and recommended policy action to support displaced Ukrainians in their plight and to help thousands make their way into the labor market and gainful employment.
These are by no means the only large-scale changes occurring in the labor market. New technologies have shown their potential to both drive efficiency and economic growth and facilitate excessive employee monitoring, curtailing autonomy. The bite of demographic change and an aging workforce will be increasingly felt in the coming decades, while climate change is now a direct challenge to job quality and well-being.
Eurofound is helping Europe prepare for these new challenges. Recent research has not only emphasized the potential of new technologies, but also made recommendations for improving human–robot interaction. Research on the green transition highlights approaches that maximize employment gains, protect working conditions and ensure a just transition. The agency has also identified key strategies to tackle labor shortages and deal with the immediate impacts of demographic change, including developing workers’ skills, reducing economic inactivity and attracting labor to the affected sectors.
The overall impact of Eurofound’s work is seen in thousands of scientific citations, hundreds of media mentions and dozens of key EU policy references on a yearly basis.
The overall impact of Eurofound’s work is seen in thousands of scientific citations, hundreds of media mentions and dozens of key EU policy references on a yearly basis. Eurofound’s work supports impactful and positive policy development across Europe, from the EU Directive on adequate minimum wages to the reinforced Youth Guarantee.
Vision for the future
Just as European leaders in the 1970s recognized the need for cool heads and a scientific approach to social and employment policy in the tumultuous era in which they lived, current policymakers understand that science, data and expert analysis must be the basis of the responses to the challenges of the modern era.
We prioritize evidence-based research, innovative communication strategies and bringing stakeholders together through major events such as our forthcoming flagship Foundation Forum 2025, not only to help Europe adapt to the winds of change, but also to set out a vision of economic progress and social cohesion.
Eurofound’s mission is Europe’s mission: putting people first and building a strong social market economy. I encourage you to join our celebrations this year as we mark 50 years supporting better policies for a strong social Europe.